Stavian provides Case Management to people with an acquired brain injury and or other long term health conditions. The principle aims are to:
- optimise functioning
- maximise independence
- re-establish social roles
- enjoy a full and meaningful life
We provide :
- Immediate Needs Assessments (INA).
- Set up and monitor rehabilitation and support packages during the litigation process.
- Manage long-term complex care packages (including 24hr care) on behalf of Deputyships.
Our services are client centred and individualised. Where care is truly person-centred, what it looks like depends on the needs, circumstances and preferences of the individual. What is important to one person may be unnecessary or even undesirable to another. It may well also change over time as individual needs change. To provide high quality support, which affords the best quality of life, often requires a rethink on the relationship between the person and the service providing support. Support has to be tailored and coordinated to meet the needs of any given individual.